Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ideas for creative theate

Theatre is interaction, constantly making links, connections with people, ideas, reality. There is no one single theatre and there cannot be one theatre for all people, because different types of people come to it. A variety of approaches- of making, quality, force is necessary. in the theatre, everything is a special case. the general classifications like 'European' or 'Asian' theatre, 'classical', 'traditional' or 'modern' theatre, mean nothing. it is always your theatre, your theatre, your theatre. Every single situation is different and particular and each person's truth is his or her own. significant theatre is, therefore, created only in trying to find this specific truth. For such theatre, both dogmatism and casualness are death. creativity comes from the provocation to new ideas. For this constant preparation of body, voice and of the group and improvisation based on imagination are essential.   - Peter Brook
from 'From the wings' by Nemichandra jain

Khalil Zibran ko Padte hue....

हम सब बंदी हैं. हाँ, हममे से कुछ झरोखेयुक्त कारागृहों में बंद हैं और कुछ बिना झरोखे वाले कारागृहों में. 


अंधेरे में

मुक्तिबोध की कालजयी कविता 'अंधेरे में' के प्रकाशन का यह पचासवाँ वर्ष है। इस आधी सदी में हमने अपने लोकतंत्र में इस कविता को क्रमशः...